Water Is Life Group - Catalogus 2024

POMPACCESSOIRES DOMPELPOMP TOEBEHOREN - CONDENSATOREN Dompelpomp toebehoren Dompelpomp toebehoren Condensator faston 4-pin Aanloop of motorcondensator faston 4-pin Bestelnr. Naam B2.00.105 Condensator 4 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.106 Condensator 5 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.107 Condensator 6,3 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.108 Condensator 7 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.109 Condensator 8 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.110 Condensator 10 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.111 Condensator 12,5 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.112 Condensator 14 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.113 Condensator 15 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.114 Condensator 16 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.115 Condensator 18 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.116 Condensator 20 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.117 Condensator 25 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.118 Condensator 30 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.127 Condensator 31,5 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.119 Condensator 35 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.120 Condensator 40 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.121 Condensator 45 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.122 Condensator 50 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.123 Condensator 60 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.124 Condensator 70 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.125 Condensator 80 µf faston 4-pin B2.00.126 Condensator 100 µf faston 4-pin 251 Voor onze actuele prijzen, ga naar www.mpi-pumps.com of scan de QR code